Faroese version

Danish version

New Year's letter

Pray for Denmark

There is around 4.500 deaf in Denmark, which use Sign Language, but there are many hard of hearing, around 20.000, which can use little or not Sign Language.

There are 4 Deaf Churches in Denmark, Copenhagen, Vejle, Fredericia and Kolding.
We starts Århus soon.


Dear friends in Jesus Christ, our Lord!

1. Pet. 1: 3 Blessed be God, and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which by his great mercy [which after his great mercy] begat us again into living hope, by the again-rising of Jesus Christ from death [by the again-rising of Jesus Christ from dead], 4 into heritage uncorruptible, and undefouled, and that shall not fade, that is kept in heavens for you [kept in heavens for you], 5 that in the virtue of God be kept by the faith into health, and is ready to be showed in the last time [made ready to be showed in the last time]. (Wycliffe New Testament)

The first months I was at Lithuania and Faroe Islands. We visited many churches around Faroe Islands and speaked about our work here in Denmark and differents countries. We visited also deaf peoples in Faroe Islands and held meeting for them. It was so happy to meet them, which I had not see in many years.

In spring we were in England and visited Wycliffe Centre after invitation of DOOR-International. We were with them to discuss and information about Bible translator to Sign Language as a goal to bread the Gospel to deaf peoples. There were 50 participants from different countries. We were only 4 deaf, but Bob and Gabi McFarland visited a short time.

In summer we were in Madrid in Spain on WFD-Congres. There was around 10.000 deaf from different countries. 40 deaf believers from 7 countries were guided of the Lord to together to evangelism among deaf peoples there. We had a table in WFD to show some videofilm (se here) and deal tracts/dvd. We had also a Café near with WFD-Congress, we give coffee and tea with biscuits. We showed some Christians film, drama etc. I receipted to talk with some muslims, jews and ateist. One of them was saved and 5 deaf thought to receive Jesus as their Savior.

Someone had seeked for deaf believers, and they founded them and were happy. The Lord know about the work, also tracts and dvd, which were deal out among them, and they were going home back around world. Sow, Gods Word, will be there. Pray for them. Two sittingmen for Deaf Association in Marocco and Iran were nice with me, and they got tracts and dvd with them to deaf there.

After Spain-tours, we were at Gran Canaria. Deaf Church with 40 members believers invited us. I had speaked there. The Lord has blessed them richly.

We visited also Tenerife. There is only a deaf believer woman from Venezuela. I met a deaf cook from Bulgaria, and he was so nice and showed us around Tenerife. I tried to explain him about Jesus.

We had gotten a room in Glostrup FreeChurch to Bible School every Wednesday evening and Thursday evening, and Open house every first Saturday in every month. Usually we have permanent worship every Sunday in Nørrebro in Copenhagen. We visit also in Vejle and Århus last weekend every month. Pray for this work, that the Lord will visit deaf people.

We had contact with many deaf, which have problem. Example one woman, which suffer of inferiority complex, because she couldn't read Gods word and she though that she couldn't come in Heaven. We had tried to help her to find out of certain etc, and explained her that the Lord demand not something from her, without only simple believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank the Lord for she comes to every Bibleclass to see, how I explain from Gods Word on their own native language - Sign Language.

We had gotten a good video/handycam, which we can use it to take up all Bibletime and stories, and can make dvd to loan.

We thanks also for gifts, we had received from Faroe Islands and Denmark to deaf mission couple in Mongolia, which had built their home, and need not back to tent. They had third children, and could move in their new home. They asked us to bring their greeting and say heartly and great for your support. We had talked from time to time through webcam. The Lord had blessed them richly.

I was in Girona in Spain on the Deaf Camp 6-9 December. Around 90 deaf were there. It was blessed to met many deaf peoples.

I was at the hospital and have an operation on the right wrist. I am healed now, but not strong in the hand as before. The left wrist will be operate in february.

Anne will go to MR-scanning for knee last in January month. Usually we are well, and we want to ask you to pray for us, that our work will be fruitful, not lost, but to great and blessing to deaf people.

We thanks for all prayers, intercede for us and finance support to our work. The Lord bless you richly. We wish you a great blessed Christmas and thank you for the year, which is gone, with wishing blessing of New Year. God bless you very richly.

With the best greetings with love from

Anne and Jan Tausen Zachariassen

E-mail: jan@jan-anne-zach.dk

Deaf Church in Copenhagen

See pictures from:


Faroe Islands



Evangelisation - WFD

Gran Canaria


Girona, Spain


See video:

Santa Claus or Jesus?

DVD, dealted in Spain


See pictures from Mongolia:

Faroese and Denmark had supported


Anne paints pictures to the Holy Spirits fruit, which mentioned in Gal.5:22-23

My love brother Hermundur,
who maked me many knowledge from I was little. His birthday was 70 years old in August.

My love brother Zacharias, who has lead me to the Lord, had interpreted for me on many Churches in the Faroe Islands, great thank for.

My love brotherson Petur,
who had interpreted for me in
Betesda and Ebenezer. I really feel free to speak from my heart.